The Best Email Marketing Software for Nonprofits in 2023

Written by: Stratly Team

Explore the best email marketing software for nonprofits. Boost your fundraising efforts with our comprehensive guide and expert recommendations.

the best email marketing software for non profits in 2013

It’s all about finding the right email marketing software. Imagine every email you send turning into a real conversation starter, drawing attention, and getting results.

That’s the goal — and it’s achievable.

Think about this: You craft an email, hit send, and instead of being ignored, it sparks interest and action. This is where email marketing tools like Stratly come into play.

They each bring their own strengths to the table, but which one will amplify your nonprofit’s voice the most?

We’re here to guide you through this. From measuring how many people open your emails to creating content they want to read, we’ll explore the best email marketing software for nonprofits.

Understanding The Role Of Email Marketing In Nonprofits

Email marketing is a big deal for nonprofits. It’s not just about sending news or updates. When you use it right, it can do wonders like growing your email list getting more donors, and boosting how many people take action.

a man sitting on a chair using a tablet

One of the best things about email marketing? It’s super affordable. You can connect with loads of potential supporters without spending a lot.

With today’s tools, creating cool emails is a breeze. Platforms like Stratly give you easy-to-use features like drag-and-drop editors and customizable templates. So, you can send out emails that grab attention and get results — all with just a few clicks.

Personalized customer journeys

Personalization isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the heart of effective email marketing. Think about it – wouldn’t you feel more connected if an email addressed you by name, or recalled your last contribution?

It’s about making your supporters feel seen and appreciated.

Simple touches like using their name or acknowledging past donations can turn a standard email into a warm, personal conversation.

A/B testing for effective email marketing

A/B testing your secret weapon for crafting the perfect email. It’s like conducting a mini-experiment with your messages.

Send out two versions of your email to a small group, then see which one gets more opens or clicks. The winner gets sent to the rest of your list.

It’s a straightforward way to ensure your emails resonate with your audience.

This approach keeps your email marketing fresh, relevant, and genuinely engaging – turning every email you send into a potential relationship builder with your supporters.

Fostering engagement through automation

Email marketing automation is a practical tool for nonprofits to enhance communication strategies. When someone signs up for your newsletter, they immediately receive a welcoming email, ensuring instant engagement.

This process is automated, efficient, and timely.

The significance of email automation lies in its ability to maintain consistent communication with supporters. Regular updates about your nonprofit’s activities help keep your organization fresh in the minds of your audience. It’s a strategy that fosters familiarity and trust over time.

This consistent communication is especially beneficial when fundraising. Supporters who are regularly informed and engaged are more likely to feel connected to your cause. They understand their importance beyond just financial contributions.

In short, email automation is about more than sending messages; it’s about nurturing ongoing relationships with your supporters, ensuring they feel valued and connected to your cause.

Essential Features To Look For In Nonprofit Email Marketing Software

Picking the perfect email marketing tool for your nonprofit is like finding a key that unlocks a world of easy, effective communication. Here’s what you need to focus on:

Ease of use

Look for a platform that’s a breeze to use. You want something where crafting an email is as easy as pie – no tech geniuses required.

A tool with a drag-and-drop campaign builder is your best friend here. It means anyone on your team can jump in and create campaigns that are visually appealing, engaging emails without any fuss.

a hand is pressing buttons on a keyboard

Customizable options

Your donors are more than just email addresses; they’re the heart of your cause.

So, grab software that lets you tailor each message. Consider being able to add a personal touch to every email, like calling donors by their name or reminding them how their last donation made a difference.

It’s about making each email feel like a one-on-one conversation.

Allows email automation

The best platforms allow for automation. Imagine setting up a series of emails that nurture donor relationships over time, without needing to send emails manually.

This could free up your team to focus on other aspects of your mission.

These features aren’t just nice to have; they’re essential. They ensure your team can effortlessly use the tool, and your messages truly connect with your audience.

An email marketing tool with these capabilities transforms how you communicate with your supporters, elevating your nonprofit’s outreach to new heights.

Stratly As A Leading Solution For Nonprofit Email Marketing

When it comes to picking the right email marketing platform for your nonprofit organization, Stratly is a clear frontrunner.

Here’s why this platform might just be the secret ingredient your nonprofit’s been missing:

User-friendly email creation

With Stratly, creating engaging emails is straightforward and hassle-free.

The platform’s drag-and-drop editor is so intuitive, that anyone can use it.

No need to be a tech wizard – you can craft beautiful emails that resonate with your audience with ease.

Ready-to-use and customizable templates

Whether you’re in a hurry or have specific design ideas, Stratly has you covered. Choose from a range of pre-designed email templates or get creative and build your own.

a laptop with a picture of a man on the screen

The goal is to let your organization’s personality shine through every email you send.

Smart campaigns and personalization

Stratly knows each donor is unique. That’s why it offers advanced targeting for your email campaigns.

Create personalized journeys for your supporters based on their interactions, like how they respond to donations or event invitations.

Plus, the platform’s A/B testing feature lets you experiment and find out what messaging resonates best with your audience.

Integrating social media with Stratly

Today, every nonprofit knows that being active on social media isn’t just helpful, it’s crucial. 71% of nonprofits across the world agree.

That’s where Stratly steps in. It links up smoothly with all the big social media sites, making it super easy to run your campaigns across different platforms.

What does this mean for your nonprofit? More eyes on your cause.

With Stratly, you can spread your message far and wide, reaching potential donors wherever they are online. It’s about getting your story out there, in front of as many people as possible, without juggling a dozen different tools.

A robust donor database/ at your fingertips

When you pick Stratly, you’re not just getting a suite of marketing tools; you’re unlocking access to a powerful donor database.

With Stratly, you can manage your contacts like a pro, keeping track of every interaction effortlessly. This means your team won’t miss a beat, with real-time information about each donor at their fingertips.

Pricing plans tailored for every nonprofit organization size

Stratly gets that different nonprofit organizations have different needs and budgets. That’s why we kick things off with a free trial, letting you test the waters without any commitment.

And when you’re ready to dive in? Their pricing plans are tailored to fit organizations of all sizes, so you’re sure to find an option that’s easy on your wallet.

With Stratly, great value meets great functionality, making it a smart choice for nonprofits big and small.

Comparison Between Stratly And Other Email Marketing Software

When you’re weighing up email marketing tools for nonprofits, names like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and Stratly often pop up. Let’s do a quick comparison to see how they stack up against each other.

Mailchimp vs. Stratly

Mailchimp is well-liked for its ease of use and broad feature set. It even offers a free plan for up to 1,000 email sends, which sounds great initially.

However, once your subscriber list grows, the cost can climb quickly. Their standard paid plans start at $10 monthly, and even with a nonprofit discount, it can still be a bit pricey as you scale up.

Stratly, in contrast, is all about understanding and meeting the specific needs of nonprofits. Their focus on charity organizations means they’re experts at crafting email campaigns that are effective without straining your budget or overwhelming your team.

Constant Contact vs. Stratly

Constant Contact is another big name, offering a range of useful tools including customizable templates and a drag-and-drop editor. Their support is decent, but their ‘standard plan’, starting at around $35 per month, might be a bit steep for some nonprofits.

Stratly, again, comes out strong with affordable plans that don’t skimp on features. They offer everything from detailed email tracking to comprehensive donor database management. Plus, the free trial lets nonprofits test the waters before diving in.

Overall, Stratly stands out as a tailored choice for nonprofits. It’s not just another email marketing tool; it’s an email marketing platform that truly understands and caters to the unique needs of charities and integrates with the rest of your CRM system.

a screenshot of a web page with a contact form

If you’re looking for a partner that gets the nonprofit world, Stratly is your go-to.

Exploring The Features Of Mailchimp For Nonprofits

Mailchimp is a popular choice for nonprofits diving into email marketing. It’s packed with features that cater to the unique needs of these organizations.

Budget-friendly plans

Mailchimp’s free plan is a great starting point for nonprofits watching their spending. It’s functional for basic needs, and the 15% nonprofit discount for upgrades is a nice touch, though this might still add up as your organization grows.

Ready-to-use email templates

Mailchimp’s array of pre-designed templates can save time, especially if you’re short on design resources. These templates are suitable for various nonprofit communications, although some customization might be needed to perfectly align with your brand.

User-friendly campaign creation

Mailchimp’s drag-and-drop editor simplifies the creation of targeted email campaigns. Whether you’re acknowledging donations or spreading the word about an upcoming event, this feature makes it easy to craft and customize your communications.

Insightful analytics

Mailchimp provides analytics to track your campaign performance, offering basic insights into open rates and click-throughs. While helpful, deeper analysis might be necessary for more strategic decisions.

Overall, Mailchimp is a practical choice for nonprofits seeking an easy-to-use email marketing tool, though it’s worth weighing its features against your specific needs and growth plans.

Understanding The Benefits of Campaign Monitor For Nonprofits

Campaign Monitor is another strong option for nonprofits exploring email marketing solutions. It offers a range of features that could be advantageous for your communication strategy.

User-friendly email creation

The platform’s drag-and-drop email builder simplifies the process of crafting emails. This means you can quickly put together professional-looking emails that align with your nonprofit’s branding.

A/B testing for optimized engagement

Campaign Monitor provides A/B testing, enabling you to trial different email elements and understand what works best with your audience. While this feature is valuable, remember that the effectiveness of your campaign also depends largely on the content and your overall strategy.

Personalized donor journeys

The software allows for the creation of personalized communication paths based on donor actions, which can help deepen donor relationships. However, the true strength of these features depends on how well they’re used within your broader fundraising strategy.

Affordable pricing with nonprofit discount

Campaign Monitor offers a 15% discount for nonprofits, which makes it a budget-friendly choice. This, combined with its feature set, can make it a good choice for organizations looking to stretch their dollars further.

Comprehensive analytics

The platform provides analytics to track the effectiveness of your email campaigns. This data is crucial for refining your approach, but it’s also important to integrate these insights into a broader understanding of your donor engagement strategy.

In summary, Campaign Monitor can be a viable option for nonprofits, especially when cost and ease of use are major considerations. However, it’s important to assess how its specific features align with your organization’s goals and capacity.

How Benchmark Email Supports Nonprofit Email Marketing

Benchmark Email offers a suite of features that can be a great asset for nonprofit email marketing. This platform stands out with its AI-powered tools, affordability, and supportive customer support.

AI-Powered email optimization

Benchmark Email’s artificial intelligence capabilities make it easier to tailor your email campaigns. You can use its intuitive drag-and-drop editor to create personalized emails that resonate with your donors.

This technology also assists in tracking the performance of your emails, helping you understand what engages your audience best.

Affordable plans for nonprofits

Nonprofits often work with tight budgets, making cost an important consideration. Benchmark Email’s free plan allows you to add unlimited email subscribers and send up to 250 emails per month.

Benchmark Email positions itself as a user-friendly and cost-effective email marketing tool for nonprofits.

While it has several notable strengths, as with any platform, it’s important to consider how well its specific features align with your organization’s email marketing goals and overall strategy.

VerticalResponse’s Offering To Nonprofits

VerticalResponse could be a viable option for nonprofits seeking email marketing solutions, especially when budget constraints are a concern. Here’s a brief look at what VerticalResponse offers:

Free plan advantage for nonprofits

Nonprofits might find VerticalResponse’s free plan appealing. It allows sending up to 10,000 free emails per month, which is useful for organizations with limited funds.

Basic email templates

VerticalResponse provides a range of basic email templates. While these may not be the most advanced in the market, they can suffice for simple email campaigns.

Functional email campaign tools

VerticalResponse offers functional tools for setting up email campaigns. While they may not be as comprehensive as some other platforms, they can handle basic email marketing needs, including some level of drip email campaign functionality.

Overall, VerticalResponse can be an adequate choice for nonprofits looking for essential email marketing features without extra costs. However, organizations seeking more robust functionalities might consider exploring other options alongside VerticalResponse to ensure their needs are fully met.

Choose The Best Email Marketing Software For Your Nonprofit

Choosing the right email marketing software for your nonprofit is crucial, and it’s clear that each platform has its strengths. User-friendly interfaces and automation features are key, and you’ve seen how Stratly offers these with a suite of advanced tools tailored for nonprofits.

While other platforms like Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, Benchmark Email, and VerticalResponse have their unique advantages, Stratly stands out for its comprehensive approach to nonprofit needs.

If you’re looking for a platform that combines ease of use with powerful functionality, Stratly could be the solution you need. To truly understand how Stratly can elevate your email marketing efforts, why not see it in action?

We invite you to book a demo and explore the possibilities firsthand. Discover how Stratly can support your mission and help you connect more effectively with your supporters.

Book your demo today and take the first step towards transforming your email marketing strategy.

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