Author name: Stratly Team

Social Responsibility & Volunteers

Social Responsibility & Volunteers

Research done recently points to the rise of Individual Social Responsibility or ISR. ISR is an integral part of peoples’ daily lives encompassing a broad range of activities beyond volunteering, including their environmental footprint, purchasing decisions, choice of employer, charitable donations, and vacation choices. ISR has been defined as “the continuing commitment to behave ethically and contribute to people’s development while improving the quality of life of other individuals, groups, teams, as well as society at large.” 44% of Canadians volunteer through organizations.

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Facts about CASL for Nonprofits

Facts about CASL for Nonprofits

Canada’s anti-spam legislation (CASL) protects consumers and businesses from the misuse of digital technology, including spam and other electronic threats. It also aims to help businesses stay competitive in a global, digital marketplace. As such, Nonprofits must be informed about how CASL affects their operations. Below is a breakdown of important notes about CASL and how it may affect Nonprofit organizations.

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