Converting One Time Donors to Monthly Donors

Written by: Stratly Team

Monthly donors end up making a massive impact on your yearly contributions. So the question remains is how do you do that? How do you turn your annual givers into monthly supporters?

Converting One Time Donors to Monthly Donors

Here are 4 tips for conversion


  • Make sure your giving form asks what type of contribution the donor wants to make (“Do you want to give us a monthly contribution?”). Whenever you’re asking for money, ask for the monthly pledge, not just a one-time donation.
  • Revisit the language you’re using in your content. Frame your appeal in such a way that it’s a win-win situation: monthly donations for you, convenience and budgeting for your donors.
  • Package the appeal in an exciting way. Tie this idea of excitement to a tangible item, like a monthly initiative that appeals to that specific donor. Remember: To increase charitable donations, you should appeal to the heart, not the head.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for a monthly gift of support after someone completes a one-time transaction. It can be ingrained as a nice thank-you message: “Thank you so much for making a one-time contribution. This is how you can put your support to work for us each and every month. Would you consider becoming a monthly supporter?”.
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